igc maedel weiss trans
on the grounds of the ATS Buntentor in Bremen, Germany
igc B weiss trans

General information about the tournament


The tournament is limited to a maximum of ten teams each of the categoriwa B, C, and D (an extension possible). The E-junior tournament will be held on one day (Saturday). Two overnight stays are also possible. Each team consists of a maximum of 20 players. Please discuss larger teams with us before registering.

Registration/ Entry fee:

We ask for binding written registration by 1 April 2025. Update: we are currently fully booked, but are happy to put you on a waiting list. Please send a mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The entry fee is 50 Euros per team. In addition we charge 35 Euro per participant (player and accompanying persons) for:

  • 2 overnight stays (in own tents)
  • Dinner on Friday
  • Breakfast on Saturday and Sunday
  • Lunch on Saturday and Sunday
  • A basic supply of mineral water and THE GirsCup (re-usable cup)

In case participants stay somewhere else and have no breakfast, the amount per participant is reduced to €15.

Please transfer the full amount (entry fee and food allowance) only after you have received the confirmation of participation.

Additional catering:

On Saturday evening, the teams will cater for themselves - e.g. in the Corvus club restaurant directly on the club grounds (not included in the catering flat rate).

Overnight stay:

You can pitch your own tents on the club grounds.We have limited square meters per team - so you are very welcome to use group tents (not provided by us).

Accomodation is also available in Youth Hostels and Hotels in the vicinity of the club. Please note that it is not possible to stay in camper vehicles on the site.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Alcohol is prohibited for all players on the sports grounds and in the tents during the tournament.


Friday, 27.06.2025:  Arrival as of 15:00
Saturday, 28.06.2025:  Welcome of the teams at approx. 9:00 a.m.
Kick-Off at approx. 10:00 a.m.
Sunday, 29.06.2025:  Tournament from approx. 9:00 a.m. to approx. 3:00 p.m.


Tournament rules:

The B and C juniors play on a 9-player field, the D juniors and the E juniors play on a 7-player field.

The E-juniors will only play on Saturday, the award ceremony takes place on Saturday afternoon.

Eligible to play are:

  • for the B teams age groups U17
  • for the C teams age groups U15
  • for the D teams age groups U13
  • for the E teams age groups U1

The match schedule depends on the registrations. The final tournament schedule will be made available to the coaches in advance and can also be found on our website.